
21/10/2020 Nowe życie: polityki troski / New life: politics of care @ Pawilon (hosts: Bartosz Mroczkowski, Zofia nierodzińska)

In New Alphabet School curated by the Berlin HWK under the motto #Care we find the following recognition:
The concern is to recognize all ties, both human and non-human, systems, infrastructure and institutions. Concern is to pay attention to their fragility.
In practice, such recognition may involve both the embodiment of processes of commonality and accessibility extension for all fragility categories. On the other hand, it may also involve a hierarchical, colonizing, and culturally blurred practice of adapting everyday practices to a systemic vision of community participation.
During the meeting we would like to take a look not only at how the care practices are produced, but also at the role and the workings of individual participants in these practices. We will ask what role do care practices play in creating a community? Who (or what?) regulates the caring practices and indicates to whom? Does caring always mean adjusting to your own vision of normativity?
We will attempt to answer this question by discussing Magdalena Zdrodowska's text "Mechanical Ears - Critical Potential of the Deaf Art" and by taking a critical walk through the space of the Pawilon.

26/11/2020 Nowe życie: Ekologie w relacji. Ćwiczenia w wyobraźni / Ecologies in relation. Exercising imagination. (hosts: Joanna Sokołowska, Bartosz Mroczkowski) @ Pawilon

We invite you to join us in a joint conversation about the therapeutic and combining the role of imagination, art and literature. Let's try to think of the weave of the ecological crisis, public health and the accompanying social upheaval as a feedback, a signal calling for a profound change of beliefs.
In the book "The Fall of Western Civilization. Looking to the Future", two science historians Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway reached for science fiction to help understand the current inability of people in capitalism to stop climate change and the disaster of civilization. The failure - as their stories tell us - stems from a reductionist attitude inscribed in Western science and capitalism, that is, an attitude that attributes the permanent belonging of acquired knowledge to separate disciplines. In this arrangement, economy, ecology, health, psyche and various fields of science are separate domains with their own, objective, rational principles. That is why, among other things, economic entities can so easily consider the ecologically destructive effects of their actions as those which do not directly affect them.
Can we look at the climate crisis and public health crisis as a process of destroying illusion and a chance for a different future? What ideas would help us to come out of fear, displacement and fixation on what does not serve the common life on Earth? Or maybe the road to the future is not so complicated, but we need to realize that "we are in this together". (Rosi Braidoitti).
Joanna Sokołowska: In my curatorial work I see art as a bridge between different fields of knowledge and help in taming what is different. However, as psychology, otherness, the necessity to change, often causes people to panic and even paralyze their imagination. Let's try to practice our imagination for the sake of a common future. To this end, I suggest reading together fragments of the "Lexicon of archaic terms" ending the Fall of Western Civilization. A look from the future" and a joint reflection on archaic terms. Or maybe we can create our own concepts?

10/12/2020 Nowe życie: Resilience | Infrastruktura, ciało, kryzys / Resilience | Infrastructure, body, crisis (hosts: Anna Adamowicz, Bartosz Mroczkowski) @ Pawilon

During the meeting we will try to find and name the material elements of which the pandemic "consists". How do they change what we thought was stable until now? How do they co-create new social practice and influence our behaviour?
We will also reflect on the functioning of the body in a pandemic in the context of both political and technological power. We will consider the solutions developed in response to the pandemic crisis in the area of technology and infrastructure. We will try to capture their historical and political context. We will analyze the process of defragmenting the body for the purposes of new social practice and what happens to the body in virtual space, to which a large part of reality has been transferred.
The topic of our meeting will also be how the body(s) are co-shaped by pandemic infrastructure. Thus, we will examine the framework of the epidemic hegemony to which the body as an individual and a set of bodies as a collective burdened with political and social characteristics.
The next step will be to reflect on potential counter-hegemonic actions: how to preserve subjectivity within the framework of the current new reality without falling into scientific arrogance or falsely understood sense of taken away freedom? Will subjectivity mean personal freedom?
We work on specific cases of everyday life, applying a similar methodological scheme to each of these cases.


Lokalność po Internecie / Locality after the Internet @ Fragile. Pismo kulturalne, Lokaność nr 3 (41) 2018. / polish only

Musica transhumana? Instrumenty sterowane falami @, [online:] / polish only

Ciało po internecie. Wątki somatyczne w twórczości Ryana Trecartina / A body after the Internet. Somatic threads in Ryan Trecartin's work @ Cięcie ciał. Ruchome obrazy, red. Aleksander Kmak, Paulina Kwiatkowska, Matylda Szewczyk, Fundacja MAMMAL, Warsaw 2018 / polish only

Układy przetrwalnicze / Survival systems @ Czas Kultury / polish only

Układy przetrwalnicze / Survival systems in Festiwal Fabuły booklet / polish only

Wieczne sieci (Eternal networks) / Transmediale 2020 review @ Czas Kultury / polish only

D9 Pregeometry, Object Through Object / text co-authorship with Maksymilian Sawicki @ Anthropocenes. Reworking the Wound International Conference


16/04/2016 Lublin, conference Body Adventures, Spirit Adventures, speech title: Body or database? Biofeedback technology in art.

4/10/2016 Katowice, conference Culture of remix and participation, speech title: World according to Google.

13/06/2017, Warsaw Cięcie ciał, title of presentation: Aporic or hybrid body? Somatic threads in Ryan Trecartin's work

10/02/2018 London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, International Conference Migrating World: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Migration and Integration, title of presentation: I Circulate, Therefore I Am? Relations Between Movement, Life and Data and Media Art Approach.

7/11/2017 Cracow, Gallery of Contemporary Art Bunker in Cracow, conference "Turning a blind eye", title of the speech: Dictatorship of pixels. Utopia and panopticon in the video Hito Steyerl, How Not to be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational.MOV File

18/03/2018 Cracow, Poetics of Remembrance conference, speech title: Costs of memory. Curatorial strategies
and archival in the art of the network against the remix category

4-7/09/2019 New Orleans, conference 4S, title of the speech: Field Remediations Salvage (in cooperation with Karolina Sobecka,
fhnw / Switzerland)

12-14/11/2019 Poznan, conference AFTER AGENCY, poster presentation, project title: Baltic Sea voivodeship - Pacific 2050

18-20/08/2020 Prague, 4S conference, title of the speech: Experimental Media Infrastructure As A Laboratory For
Communication Practices

22-24/10/2020 Wrocław,  Czy badania artystyczne? conference on artistic research


Popatrz na kulturę / Look at the culture workshops (as a host) @ Fundacja Malta / October-December 2020
